Summary of China Earthquake Donation

 Reported by Arizona Chinese United Association (ACUA)

 Dated on June 30, 2008


Total Donation Received:

The total donation received as of June 30, 2008 is $57,368.94.  In which, the amount of $31,720.81 is payable to Consulate General in LA, and the amount of  $25,648.13, including cash is payable to ACUA.  Below is the itemized list, indicating where the donation is received.

Received in mail payable to Consulate General in LA:           $26,710.81
Received in mail payable to ACUA:                                     
Received in concert payable to Consulate General in LA:      $5,010.00
Received in concert payable to ACUA:                                 $8,415.00
Received in concert in cash:                                                $2,166.16
Received in concert to purchase T-shirt (in check):               $1,285.00
Received in concert to purchase T-shirt (in cash):                 $1,655.00
Total Cost of the Benefit Concert:

The total cost as of June 10, 2008 is $6,579.94.  Below is the itemized cost list.

Theater renting:                                                                  $4,502.92
Theater insurance:                                                              $258.00

T-shirt purchase:                                                                 $673.39 (T-short logo is printed by volunteers, free of charge)
Poster:                                                                               $93.40

Pizza and water for performers and staff:                             $221.42
Candle:                                                                              $477.06
Banner:                                                                             $353.75

Donation to Cover the cost of the Benefit Concert:

The total cost is covered by the donation received from T-shirt sale and the event committee members/volunteers. These donors have declared that their donations can be used to cover the cost of the Benefit Concert. Below is an itemized list. 

T-shirt sale:                                                                         $2,940.00 (In which, Charles Tsui $500.00, Jinman Yang $200.00, Diana Ho $125.00)

Rena Li:                                                                              $500.00

Lihua Lu:                                                                             $500.00
Shicheng Tao:                                                                     $500.00
Ning Wu:                                                                             $500.00
Wentian Yang:                                                                     $1,639.94 (Wentian Yang donated in a total amount of $3,000+$353.75)

Donation to China:

The received donation amount of $31,720.81 payable to Consulate General in LA will be sent to Consulate General in LA in full by certified mail.  The received donation amount of $19,068.19 payable to ACUA, including cash will be sent to China Red Cross in full.  The cost related to sending out these funds will be paid by ACUA, and not deducted from any donation received.