Navigation: Mission


美国亚省华人华侨联合总会是根据美国亚利桑那州的法律建立的非政治性和非赢利性机构,目的在于促进与协调各华人团体及成员之间的团结与合作推广中国文化,提高华人正面形象,开展慈善活动,培训新移民,推动和促进中美两国在文化、科技、信息、经贸等方面的合作与交流, 鼓励华人融入主流社会,维护华人正当权益,积极开展社会公益事业。


Arizona Chinese United Association is a non-profit organization with the following purposes for which this organization has been organized to: charitably serve Arizona Chinese community, advocate awareness of Chinese culture in Arizona, support local Chinese schools, support and organize culture events, train new Chinese immigrants, promote Chinese culture and educational exchange between Arizona and other countries, regions and areas.